Telehealth FAQs
I am a Louisiana licensed dietitian/nutritionist. Can I provide telehealth services to clients who live in Louisiana?
Yes. A Louisiana license covers the delivery of dietetic/nutrition services, no matter what the chosen method of delivery is.
I am a Louisiana licensed dietitian/nutritionist. What if my client who lives in Louisiana travels or moves to another state? Can I continue to provide services via telehealth?
This depends on the laws and rules that regulate dietitians/nutritionists in the state where the patient or client is located.
I am a Louisiana licensed dietitian/nutritionist. Can I provide telehealth services to clients who do not live in Louisiana?
A Louisiana license will only cover services provided in Louisiana, to patients or clients located in Louisiana at the time of services. Prior to providing services to an individual outside of Louisiana, please check the laws and rules that regulate dietitians/nutritionists in the state where the patient or client is located.
I am a Louisiana licensed dietitian/nutritionist. Am I required to have an in-person initial intake session before providing dietetic services by telehealth?
There is no provision of Louisiana law or rule that requires an in-person initial intake session. If the client is located in another state, you would need to contact the appropriate state licensing board or agency to find out if an in-person initial intake session is required where the patient or client is located.
Can a dietitian/nutritionist from another state provide telehealth services to a client who is located in Louisiana without holding a Louisiana license?
No. Individuals providing services, regardless of the chosen method of service delivery, in Louisiana, must be licensed in Louisiana. Telehealth allows services to be accessed when providers are in a distant site and patients are in the originating site. The patient is considered physically located at the originating site as defined in R.S. 40:1223.3. (4).
Louisiana law requires a Louisiana dietitian/nutritionist license to practice in Louisiana. Louisiana law prohibits a dietitian/nutritionist who provides services to Louisiana clients from using the titles “Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist” or “LDN” unless the dietitian/nutritionist holds a Louisiana license. Additionally, Louisiana law prohibits the use of the terms “Registered Dietitian”, “Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist”, “RD”, or “RDN”, if the individual is not licensed in Louisiana, regardless of the individual’s status with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).
Is there reciprocity for licensed or registered dietitians from other states to obtain a Louisiana license?
There is no reciprocity, but a dietitian currently registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration may easily obtain a Louisiana LDN license.
Is there reciprocity in other states so that Louisiana licensed dietitians/nutritionists can obtain a license to practice in another state?
The answer to this question varies by state. You would need to contact the appropriate state licensing board or agency.